(Disclaimer: there is a task at the end. Make sure to read the full blog (; )
My best friend and I were casually texting one day and I asked her,
“What should I write for my next blog? I have some ideas but all of them seem so mundane. Has anything interesting ever happened in my life?”
She replied,
“Yes of course! The day when you were born. It is both interesting and funny lol.”
We both laughed over it and after a lot of pulling each other’s leg, went to sleep.
When I was trying to sleep I realized, that actually my birth does have a very interesting story attached to it. An incident my family and doctors refer to as a miracle.
Sixteen years ago, when my mother was in her eighth month of pregnancy, she got a test done of Thalassemia. Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that causes your body to have less Hemoglobin than normal (told you I am a science student).
My father and mother both are Thalassemia minor. Which meant that their child will most probably be Thalassemia major. Doctors said if I come out to be the latter, they would have to kill me in the uterus because the life of such a patient is not easy. He/she has to be given someone else’s blood for the rest of his/her life. Moreover the life period is also a maximum of just 18-20 years.
When my parents heard this, they were shattered. Having no clue of what to do next, they left all their hopes on god. My mother still tells me how both her and my father used to sit for hours in the shrine just to pray for my well being. The thought of their first child live a life that was so short or rather, the thought of their first child having no life at all, was disheartening and scary. It is harsh for any parent to hear this about their child. A living being they created could not even take its first breath? I could only imagine the amount of stress they must have gone through.
So, fast forwading to the day when the reports had to come. My family was so stressed as if they had to give their board exams again with zero preparation. Stress is not an easy thing. You heart sinks and there is always this heavy feeling.
The reports came by, and my family was shaken. Not with shock but with surprise. My reports were completely normal. I was not even in the minor category. No signs of Thalassemia. I had the perfect number of red blood cells and haemoglobin as a normal human being would have.
When I hear this story I realise that God has been so grateful to me. He is now as well, every single day. If you’re reading this I would like to assume that you too are in a good condition. For any moment you think that you aren’t, think about the million vagabonds who have no bed to sleep on. Think about the millions of children who perish daily just because they can’t afford to eat, and here we are finishing two to three snacks just binge watching. Think about the various people who have been brutally tortured in some or the other ways. Here we get upset on just a little argument with our mom. How often do we thank the demiurge for providing so much to us?
Gratitude, acceptance and content are the three things that make a person truly happy.
For example, we all have been sulking in the lock down, complaining about our financial losses or broken contacts. At least we are not one of those people who have died in these unfortunate times.
When you read this, did it remind you of what all you have instead of what you don't?
If you read the blog up to here, mention all of the things you are grateful for. I would love to read them.
Thank you for reading!
Di it cant be explained by words how much I loved it but wish you best of luck for your Journey. Wanna read more blogs and would be reading this blog for inspiration. 😊😊😊
Well written!!
Facing such an adverse situation would surely have been a very difficult task for your family but you all came out of the situation safe and sound and I'm very happy for that.
If i talk abt myself, I'm really grateful for my family and all the amenities and luxuries i have.
Eagerly waiting for your next blog :)
Keep Going👍
Honestly, the thought of you not even being here scares me.
Like you, I too am a science student. And after reading your parents' condition, my mind directly calculated the probability of you being a major, minor, or unaffected. The results were indeed more probable towards the first two. It definitely is a miracle, the miracle of life that you are completely unaffected. I thank god for that.
Besides that, I am so thankful for the amenities that I have and the luxuries I have.
I am very grateful of my family and my wonderful friends,without them my life would be just empty.
I have also completely recovered from adenoids disease but it could not be possible without my wonderful doctor and my family and friends who were truly supportive. And I thank God for always being there beside me......